A good reason to avoid sugars in your diet. Dental caries are more prevalent if sugars are consumed frequently. Children should be encouraged to eat healthy snacks and foods, and discouraged from sugars and frequent consumption of juice, sugary drinks, snacks and sugary foods e.g. lollies, chocolates, toffees, lollipops. Children should be encouraged to brush their teeth immediately if consuming these foods.
Nunn ME, Braunstein NS, Krall Kaye EA, et. al. Healthy eating index is a predictor of early childhood caries. J Dent Res 2009 Apr;88(4):361 – 6.
Tinanoff N, Palmer CA. Dietary determinants of dental caries and dietary recommendations for preschool children. J Public Health Dent 2000 Summer;60(3):197 – 206; discussion 207 – 9.